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EdTech Online: U.S. Department of Education Technology Grant Programs

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Next: Assurances and Certifications

Previous: EETT Guide to Written Application State Level

EETT Guide to Written Application - Local Level

For LEAs seeking EETT subgrants from SEAs

In order to be eligible to receive a subgrant from a state educational agency, an eligible local entity or agency shall submit to the state educational agency an application containing a new or updated local long-range strategic educational technology plan that is consistent with the objectives of the statewide educational technology plan, as well as any additional information that the state educational agency may reasonably require, at such time and in such manner as the state educational agency may require. The application shall include each of the following:

  1. A description of how the applicant will use federal funds to improve student academic performance, including technological literacy, of all students attending schools served by the local educational agency and to improve the capacity of all teachers teaching in schools served by the local educational agency to integrate technology effectively into curricula and instruction.

  2. A description of the applicant's specific goals for using advanced technology to improve student academic performance, aligned with challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards.

  3. A description of the steps the applicant will take to ensure that all students and teachers in schools served by the local educational agency will have increased access to educational technology, including a description of how the agency will use funds under this subpart (such as combining the funds with funds from other sources) to help ensure that students in high-poverty and high-needs schools, or schools identified as needing improvement or corrective action, have access to technology, and how teachers are prepared to integrate technology effectively into curricula and instruction.

  4. A description of how the applicant will:
    1. Identify and promote curricula and teaching strategies that integrate technology effectively, based on a review of relevant research, leading to improvements in student academic performance, as measured by challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards.
    2. Provide ongoing, sustained professional development for teachers, principals, administrators, and school library media personnel serving the local educational agency, to further the effective use of technology in the classroom or library media center, including, if applicable, a list of the entities that will be partners with the local educational agency involved in providing the ongoing, sustained professional development.

  5. A description of the types and costs of technologies to be acquired under this subpart, including services, software, and digital curricula, and including specific provisions for interoperability among components of said technologies.

  6. A description of how the applicant will coordinate activities carried out with funds provided under this subpart with technology-related activities carried out with funds available from other federal, state, and local sources.

  7. A description of how the applicant will integrate technology (including software and other electronically delivered learning materials) into curricula and instruction, and a timeline for said integration.

  8. A description of how the applicant will encourage the development and utilization of innovative strategies for the delivery of specialized or rigorous academic courses and curricula through the use of technology, including distance-learning technologies, particularly for those areas that otherwise would not have access to such courses and curricula due to geographical isolation or insufficient resources.

  9. A description of how the applicant will ensure the effective use of technology to promote parental involvement and increase communication with parents, including a description of how parents will be informed of the technology being applied in their child's education so that they will be able to reinforce at home the instruction their child receives at school.

  10. A description, where applicable, of how programs will be developed in collaboration with adult literacy service providers to maximize the use of technology.

  11. A description of the process and measures for accountability that the applicant will employ to evaluate the extent to which funded activities have been effective in integrating technology into curricula and instruction, increasing the ability of teachers to teach, and enabling students to meet challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards.

  12. A description of the supporting resources (such as services, software and other electronically delivered learning materials, as well as print resources) that will be acquired to ensure successful and effective uses of technology.

Source: (Pg. 11)

Next: Assurances and Certifications

Previous: EETT Guide to Written Application—State Level

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